We found out on Thursday that Auggie is probably allergic to eggs. He had a skin prick test for 20 common allergens and only eggs turned out positive. The test is unreliable though and only shows if there is a topical skin reaction to certain foods and does not show positive if the gut is affected (which is most often the case with Auggie). We see his GI doctor this coming Thursday. Even though he's developing well, he does not seem to be growing so we're trying to pack the calories in as much as we can - we wake him up to give him his last bottle. His silent reflux also seems to have come back in conjunction with the exposure to eggs, so he is back on baby zantac. The next step is to have a RAST test done on his blood to check for allergies that way (can sometimes show more), but again it does not show if the gut is affected....Apparently allergies and reflux is a hidden epidemic that is difficult to treat because it's so hard to diagnose. Something we need to keep in mind.
Other than that, Auggie is stacking blocks, saying 2 word phrases - yesterday he pointed to a car going by and said "brum brum, dar dar" we think he is saying the Swedish word for there when he says "dar". He is sleeping much better now - almost sleeping through every night and we have moved him into his own room.